Cabin Bound: What to Pack for Your Tennessee Retreat

Woohoo!! You’ve booked your next cabin vacation at cozy Laurel Fork Rustic Retreat, nestled in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains and bordering one of Tennessee’s best-kept secrets. Now your attention moves to thinking about what to pack for your upcoming getaway.

Here's your packing guide (along with a simple packing checklist at the end!) to ensure you have everything you need for an unforgettable cabin vacation.

folded clothes

1. Clothing

Be mindful of packing weather-appropriate clothing. Tennessee's climate can be unpredictable, so pack layers and check the weather forecast. From cool mountain mornings to warm afternoons, versatility is key.

2. Hiking Essentials

If you plan to explore the nearby scenic trails, don't forget sturdy hiking boots, a backpack, and a refillable water bottle.

woman sitting on bed with cozy sox, a cup of coffee, a journey, a blanket, and a guitar

3. Cabin Comforts

Pack cozy essentials like blankets, slippers, and a favorite book. Feel free to make your cabin feel like a home away from home!

kitchen spices

4. Kitchen Basics

While cabins are equipped, bringing some of your favorite pantry staples and snacks can make cabin cooking easy (and tasty!).

telescope lense

5. Entertainment

Whether it's board games, playing cards, or a telescope for stargazing, having entertainment options ensures fun-filled evenings.

toothbrush and toothpaste

6. Personal Care Items

Toiletries, medications, and any personal care items you may need should be on your list to guarantee a comfortable stay.

wrapping band aid around finger

7. First Aid Kit

A basic first aid kit is essential for minor injuries and unexpected situations during your outdoor adventures.

hand holding phone up in front of fall tress

8. Electronics and Chargers

Ensure you have your phone, camera, and their respective chargers to capture memories and stay connected.

9. Outdoor Gear

If you're into fishing, don't forget your fishing gear. Similarly, bring any sports equipment you might need for activities near your cabin.

person holding a paper map

10. Maps and Guides

While smartphones are handy, having physical maps and guides can be invaluable for exploring the surrounding areas.

By following this comprehensive packing guide, you'll be well-prepared for a relaxing and enjoyable cabin vacation in the breathtaking landscapes of Tennessee.


Laurel Fork Rustic Retreat


▢ Clothing

▢ Hiking Essentials

▢ Cabin Comforts

▢ Kitchen Basics

▢ Entertainment

▢ Personal Care Items

▢ First Aid Kit

▢ Electronics and Chargers

▢ Outdoor Gear

▢ Maps and Guides